How The Electric Vehicle Industry Can Create Capabilities in The Workforce of Tomorrow?

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How The Electric Vehicle Industry Can Create Capabilities in The Workforce of Tomorrow? The global auto industry is undergoing a rapid transition from reliance on internal combustion engines to battery electric vehicles. It's clear that the Electric Vehicle industry plays a huge role in creating valuable job opportunities. The future of the industry will require higher skills and capabilities. Growth is critical to a business's survival. Innovation is a significant factor of growth, and innovation requires a highly skilled workforce. Yet the industry faces challenges of skills gaps in many advanced economies. To create a dynamic, vibrant and skilled workforce, the manufacturing industry needs to reimagine collaboration with communities. The Electric Vehicle industry can help its workers become lifelong learners. Skills and knowledge are becoming obsolete faster than ever before. To meet challenges and achieve success in Industry 4.0 and 5.0, business leaders must invest in their workers by retraining and upgrading them. Helping workers top-up knowledge and learn new skills continuously can better ensure the relevant and productive workforce needed to drive business growth. Industry leaders can connect more deeply with their communities and future employees by interacting with students or jobseekers to clear up any misconceptions regarding the industry. Employers can expand talent searches by determining if prior experience or higher education degrees are needed and what essential skills can be learned on the job or through job training programs. For the Electric Vehicle industry, it's a crucial time to have a skilled workforce to upscale their business.

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About Author:

Swati Dhote

Writer-Industries Helping Hands
