Tips for Job Search

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Even if you’re generally a positive, optimistic person, losing a job and searching for a new one can be a painful, challenging process – especially if it’s taking longer than you expected to land a new gig. So "Industries Helping Hands" can help to prevent it.

To help you keep your head up, here are six causes of job search depression, and what you can do to prevent it.

1. Uncertainty

2. Loss of control

3. Feeling unwanted

4. Rejections

5. Managing finances

6. Shame

  •  Uncertainty

One of the most difficult things to handle during unemployment is the uncertainty of it all. You don’t know when or if your job search will end; you don’t know how hiring managers are reaching to your resume; and worst of all, you don’t know where you’ll be in the weeks and months ahead. So "Industries Helping Hands" can help to prevent it.

  • Loss of control

Suddenly losing your job can be a traumatic change, especially if you’ve been at the same company for many years. It’s important to recognize that the #feelings you’re experiencing are common and normal in this scenario. So "Industries Helping Hands" can help to prevent it.

  •  Feeling unwanted

In a sense, a job search is a quest for acceptance. You want to get people to notice you and your talents, and then welcome you to the fold. Losing your job and dealing with a long job search can make you feel unwanted, but it’s important to #remember that this is just temporary. So "Industries Helping Hands" can help to prevent it.

  •  Rejections

The average job posting gets 250 applications. I’m not saying this to discourage you; it’s simply a reminder that you are competing with many people, and rejection will be part of the game. After a while, it’s common to start feeling bad about yourself, but you must stay positive. So "Industries Helping Hands" can help to prevent it.

  •  Managing finances

One of the most difficult aspects of unemployment is the financial strain after your main source of revenue has dried up. For obvious reasons, this can lead to a feeling of desperation and helplessness. So "Industries Helping Hands" can help to prevent it.

  •  Shame

It is very common to feel ashamed about being unemployed, especially if it’s your first time dealing with unemployment. This can cause people to avoid #social #situations, or to hide their employment situation from friends and family. So "Industries Helping Hands" can help to prevent it.

So now that we’ve seen what can cause job search depression, what can we do to prevent it? Here "Industries Helping Hands" has been suggested 6 tips:

"Industries Helping Hands" has been suggested 6 tips to prevent it:-

1. Keep a journal and Follow Job Portal Websites

2. Establish a routine

3. Stay active

4. Get support

5. Hit the refresh button

6. Volunteer

  •  Keep a journal and Follow Job Portal Websites

One of the easiest ways to feel more in control of the job search process is to start keeping track of what you’re doing. A job search journal or Job portal genuine hiring websites like "Industries HelpingHands dot Com" can be used to record application details, including jobs, contact details, interview dates, and more importantly, your thoughts and feelings along each step of the way with you.

  •  Establish a routine

It’s very easy to lose any sense of structure in your life when you’re unemployed; you can start to sleep in and avoid responsibilities. To stay productive (and positive), turn your job search into your new job, with a set daily routine. This can be as simple as looking for new jobs on Workopolis every morning for a set period, followed by updating your resume and applying, and then looking for networking and check opportunities in "Industries Helping Hands dot Com" the afternoon.

  •  Stay active

Exercising and staying active is a great way to release some of the stress caused by unemployment. It can also ensure that you stay energetic and positive. Platforms like "Industries Helping Hands" social media can help you keep track of your progress and provide training tips.

  • Get support

As mentioned above, a lot of unemployed people feel ashamed about their situation, and they turn inward. This tendency is not helpful. Leveraging networking opportunities and support groups is an essential tool to fighting off job searching depression, helping you alleviate feelings of loneliness, and creating opportunities to make useful contacts. When the going gets tough, start connecting or reconnecting with your family, friends, professors, former colleagues, and "Industries Helping Hands" recruiters.

  •  Hit the refresh button

Recruiters take only 10 seconds to scan resumes. To get noticed, your resume must be clean, up-to-date, and succinct. If you need inspiration, there are some great resources online for resume formats and templates, including Workopolis. Your resume should also be completely free of spelling and grammar mistakes.

It’s also important to take the time to give yourself a refresh. Can you improve or develop skills that are relevant to your target industry? Doing so can make you feel much more pro-active (and less helpless), to say nothing of the difference it can make when in competition for a job. To help, we recently outlined several online resources like "Industries Helping Hands dot Com" that can help you boost your career.

  •  Volunteer

Skills development and networking doesn’t always have to be purely industry-specific. You can often achieve the same results while also giving something back. Sites like the "Industries Helping Hands" can help you find a cause that speaks to you and helps you improve your skills set (and increase your contacts).

This brings up a key point in the overall fight against job search depression: you should not let your job define you. Now that you have time, explore other interests and passions. Not only will this help your well-being, but it will also, once you do land that next job, ensure that your self-worth is not related directly to your career.

In the end, as hard and long as it might be, you don’t have to feel overwhelmed by the job search. Be pro-active, and stay positive!


Kindly #Register yourself and get the interview #opportunity even in this #Covid_19 #pandemic situation

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About Author:

Anil Kumar Parghaniya

Writer-Industries Helping Hands

Anil Kumar Parghaniya IIT-ISM Dhanbad Alumni
